
Dictionary of Approving and Disapproving Words: Vocabulary Building

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Dictionary of Approving and Disapproving Words: Vocabulary Building

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1625 Approving words in English are words that are used to show something (action, state, etc.) that you generally approve of or think is good. On the other hand disapproving words in English are words that are used to show something (action, state, etc.) that you generally don’t approve of or think is bad. In this book, you will study and learn various common approving and disapproving words, parts of speech they belong to and their meanings.


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01 -- abstruse [adj.] (often disapproving) -- complicated and difficult to understand especially when could be explained in the easier way [synonyms: perplexing, puzzling]

02 -- acquisitive [adj.] (disapproving) -- eager to own to acquire and own money or new possessions (material things) in a greedy way [synonyms: covetous, materialistic]

03 -- acquisitiveness [n.] (disapproving) -- excessive interest in acquiring and owning money or new possessions (material things) in a greedy way [synonyms: covetousness, hoarding, materialism]

04 -- adaptability [n.] (approving) -- (a). the quality of being able to adjust or be adjusted to deal with new and different situations or conditions [synonym: flexibility]; (b). the quality of being able to be modified or suited for a new use or purpose

05 -- adaptable [adj.] (approving) -- (a). to able to adjust or be adjusted to deal with new and different situations or conditions [synonym: flexible]; (b). to able to be modified or suited for a new use or purpose

06 -- adaptableness [n.] (approving) -- (a). the quality of being able to adjust or be adjusted to deal with new and different situations or conditions [synonym: flexibility]; (b). the quality of being able to be modified or suited for a new use or purpose

07 -- adventurer [n.] (often disapproving) -- a man who enjoys taking risks or is willing to take risks with a view to acquire political power or to get success in a business, sometimes in a dishonest way

08 -- adventuress [n.] (often disapproving) -- a woman who enjoys taking risks or is willing to take risks with a view to acquire political power or to get success in a business, sometimes in a dishonest way

09 -- adventurism [n.] (disapproving) -- a willingness to take risks with a view to acquire political power or to get success in a business, sometimes in a dishonest way

10 -- aesthete [n.] (sometimes disapproving) -- a person who has a love, understanding, sensitivity and appreciation of works of art and beautiful things

11 -- affect [v.] (disapproving) -- to try to impress other people by using or wearing sth that looks special/unique; to behave insincerely or unnaturally to impress other people [synonym: put on]

12 -- aggrandize [v.] (disapproving) -- to increase power, wealth, importance or status of a person or country [synonyms: enhance; extend]

13 -- aggrandizement [n.] (disapproving) -- an increase in the power, wealth, importance or status of a person or country [synonyms: enhancement; extension]

14 -- agitator [n.] (disapproving) -- a person who urges others to take part in a protest or rebel, especially political one [synonyms: campaigner, dissenter, protestor]

15 -- airhead [n.] (disapproving) -- an unintelligent or stupid person [synonym: dreamer]

16 -- airy [adj.] (disapproving) -- not serious or practical

17 -- alarmist [adj.] (disapproving) -- causing unnecessary fear and worry about sth dangerous and unpleasant [synonyms: gloomy, panicky, pessimistic];; [n.] (disapproving) -- a person who causes unnecessary fear and worry about sth dangerous and unpleasant [synonyms: cynic, pessimist, worrywart]

18 -- alien [adj.] (a). (often disapproving) -- from another country, culture or society; not native [synonym: foreign]; (b). (disapproving) -- unusual or unacceptable

19 -- amateur [n.] (usually disapproving) -- an unskilled person [synonym: layperson]

20 -- amateurish [adj.] (usually disapproving) -- done incompetently, inexpertly or unskillfully [synonym: unprofessional]

21 ambulance chaser [n.] (disapproving) -- a lawyer who earns money by making victims of accidents file claims in court

22 -- antiquated [adj.] (usually disapproving) -- (of things or ideas) out-of-date and no longer useful, suitable or accepted for modern conditions [synonyms: obsolete, outdated, outmoded]

23 -- ape [v.] (disapproving) -- (a). to do sth in the same way as sb else, however not in a proper manner [synonym: imitate]; (b). to irritate or make fun of sb by copying the way they behave, talk, or walk, etc in an absurd manner [synonym: mimic]

24 -- appease [v.] (usually disapproving) -- (a). to make sb calmer and prevent them from harming you by accepting their demands [synonyms: conciliate; soothe; pacify]; (b). to make or preserve peace with a nation and avoid war by giving it what they want

25 -- appeasement [n.] (usually disapproving) -- (a). the act or action of making sb calmer and preventing them from harming you by accepting their demands [synonym: conciliation]; (b). the act or action of making or preserving peace with a nation and avoiding war by giving it what they want

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